
Translation service

A proper translation requires in-depth, all-encompassing knowledge of the language you are translating into, of the culture the information is being addressed to and of the industry involved in the translation. This is why we are proud to state and guarantee that our translators comply with all of these requirements. Not only are they native speakers of the target language, they also specialize in specific areas. And above all, they only translate into their mother tongue.

All of our translations go through the following stages:

– Conversion from one language to another
– Verification
– Revision
– Proofreading

All of the above complies with the quality standards demanded by NCH3124, the Chilean Translation Standard. Therefore, our translations are certified, allowing them to be legalized by a notary if required.

*This standard became official in Chile in 2008. It was drafted by a committee that included one of our founding members, Eugenia Bustamante Hill.

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