About us

Adding value to your business

About us

Offering and delivering comprehensive language services with a team of highly qualified professionals has allowed us to grow and help you optimize your business

Founding Partners


Being the son of an MIT doctorate and growing up in Boston, Massachusetts is a cultural window Sebastián continued to tap into after enrolling in Santiago College upon his return to Chile. Living abroad taught him that the target audience’s cultural background is a key aspect of translation and interpretation. This concept has been illustrated in several high profile interpretations, such as for president Barack Obama, doctor Patch Adams and the ATP Senior Tour, among others. Keeping up with this depth and evolution of language is the main driving force behind InterPro Traducciones.


Translator with a major in English Linguistics and Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and a minor in Germanic Studies from the University of Heidelberg in Germany. Eugenia has ten years of experience managing a profitable business unit in the fields of translation and interpretation. She is a member of the INN (National Standards Institute) committee that promoted and created the first Chilean Translation Standard, NCH3124.

Human Capital

We understand how hard it is to entrust your work to others. That’s why all of our services are provided by one of your peers: we work with translators that have degrees in law, engineering, medicine and several other disciplines, not just “translators that studied translation”. We also understand that someone who has never lived abroad can hardly hold a natural conversation with foreign subject matter experts. Our staff’s culture proficiency goes hand in hand with their technical knowledge.

Precision and Timing

A late or incorrect translation/interpretation can have devastating effects on your work. We are well aware of this fact. Our translation services comply with the strict standards contained in NCH3124, the Chilean Translation Standard. It is Chile’s first official translation standard and was created by a committee of specialists at the National Standards Institute. We are proud to say that one of the company’s founding partners was a member of that committee, Eugenia Bustamante Hill.

We understand that if our services are not accurate or timely, your reputation with your clients is on the line.

Profitability for your Business

We want to grow with you. We know that you need to translate languages to expand your market. We have a single mission: bridge the language barrier to expand your company’s horizons.

That is customer satisfaction for us, investing in quality instead of squandering your budget. If you aren’t awarded a bid that took months to put together just because of a lousy translation, you’ll have wasted all of that time and effort. Don’t let a faulty translation/interpretation stand between you and success overseas. Trust in expert contractors: InterPro Traducciones.

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